If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all

I knew I hadn’t posted an update in a while, but I didn’t realize that it had been a whole month. (Long exhale……)

My goal is to post every other Friday. However, my past several Fridays have been consumed by dealing with the dumpster-fire of a situation that I unknowingly inherited from the previous owner concerning the building’s electricity supply.

When my husband and I viewed the building nearly a year ago, the realtor showed us around using the flashlight on his phone. My understanding has always been that all of the utilities were fully disconnected: the electricity meter had been de-energized, the gas meter had been removed, the water turned off.

Come to find out that even though the building is without power supply, the previous owner’s electricity company (which I didn’t even know existed until about a month ago) is still legally allowed to bill me for service charges at the rate of £4/day. Surprise!

In keeping with the title of this post, suffice to say I have very little nice to say about this situation, which has proven obscenely expensive and ridiculously complicated to the point that I now have an energy consultant on the case.

The bright side, I suppose, is that I still don’t regret buying the building. I’ve stopped to ask myself a few times, and the answer has always genuinely been “no”. Despite the stress and headaches and bills, and Kafkaesque-call-center-bureaucracy, I’m still excited by this project. When I step into the building, I still feel its potential.

Hopefully I’ll have better news to share soon…


Signs of change…finally!!


Everything is figureoutable