Go slow to go fast…(?)

They say “go slow to go fast.” All I can say is I sure hope that’s true.

I haven’t posted for a while, for several reasons. Chiefly, that I haven’t known quite what to say (which doesn’t mean that nothing’s happened; more to follow). But I was also traveling for work for a few weeks. My day job is underwriting this project after all. And I have been working on our ongoing house renovations, which I’d really like to have done-ish before the work at the building kicks-off in a big way. (They also say that a house renovation is never done. I am definitely finding that to be true!) In short, life’s been happening, and its dominant plot line hasn’t centered around the building at 9 North Bondgate.

That said:

5 1/2 weeks ago, I sent a formal application into the Kafkaesque bureaucracy of the local planning authority. My architect assures me that his plans are all within permitted development, so planning permission shouldn’t strictly be necessary. But the only way to prove you don’t need planning permission is to get planning permission, so… (In theory, they’re required to provide a decision within 8 weeks; we’ll see.)

3 weeks ago, a lovely man named Kevin spent over 7 hours collecting samples for asbestos testing. Just when the building was starting to look a bit tidier, it literally got ripped apart. All I could do was sigh and hope for the best.

2 1/2 weeks ago, the asbestos test results all came back negative. My husband and I made cocktails and took a moment to rejoice.

1 day ago, I had a lengthy conversation with my architect about exactly what I need to do to draft the scope of work for a strip out crew.

Today - a full 6 weeks since I last posted - I finally feel like there is some energy behind this project again. On Monday, I will go room-by-room noting everything that needs to come out. On Tuesday, Kevin is coming back to remove the bit of asbestos that was previously found on the stairs, so that the stairs themselves can be added to the strip out scope. On Friday, a local artist is coming by to see if she has use for a stainless steel sink or two. And (hopefully) by the time I next post in (hopefully) two weeks’ time I’ll be getting quotes for the strip out work and booking it in.

Go slow to go fast…only time will tell.

PS - Thank you, Stacey, for noting that there was no easy way to get to the main page. I’ve added an “updates archive” button to each post which should help with that.

PPS - I still haven’t bought a typewriter, but I have gotten marginally better at saving mid-stream.


The asbestos has left the building!


Space to breathe…