Wiping the slate clean

There was a good-sized moving truck’s worth of rubbish left in the building. The space feels so much lighter now that it is gone.

It has been a strange experience, taking over a building that someone else simply walked away from.

I can’t help but wonder at the trajectory from a 5-wok cook station and walk-in cold storage to the (thankfully empty) packaging for frozen spring rolls and unopened boxes of printed menus.

I need to tidy away someone else’s project - someone else’s dream - before I can seriously get going on my own. While it’s annoying (and expensive), it also feels like something of a solemn responsibility. Thankfully, the three-seater sofa still has its fire safety label and could be donated to charity along with a few other pieces of small furniture and some dinnerware. A local clearance company helpfully carted away the rubbish today - a full moving truck worth!

So now just the kitchen remains and I’m trying to trust that the right way of disposing of it will eventually become clear. I was feeling at a bit of a loss yesterday, but three new possible scenarios for the kitchen emerged today, so I’m back to feeling hopeful. It’s interesting, actually, watching people’s expressions as they walk past now that it is clear something is happening in the space.

In the spirit of fresh ideas and new beginnings, I have registered for an Arts and Social Entrepreneurship workshop at the end of March. It could be a chance to meet others who might want to use part of the space…And should be interesting, regardless.


Mood board no.1

